
Creator and author of Dursk, Emily Nicholson is an emerging expert in interiors trend forecasting. With past experience at online publication, WGSN-homebuildlife, Emily is now a trend researcher at interiors & kids' lifestyle trend agency, Trend Bible.

Based in Newcastle, Trend Bible specialises in seasonal trend publications, forecast for the upcoming year, and provides tailored advice with a bespoke consultancy service for many of it's big name clients.

Originally from the outskirts of Manchester, Emily has worked and lived in London, travelled around Europe and has eventually settled in the North East of England in Newcastle, ready for the next chapter of her creative life.

It is whilst working within an interiors editorial environment, that Emily's love for Scandi design flourished. Now with a wide repertoire of brands and publications, Dursk is a platform to feature favourite homewares, share current trends, and most importantly, expose emerging artists and designers that will eventually influence that next 'big trend'.


All posts are a product of independent research and are written and designed solely by Emily Nicholson. Photography by Emily Nicholson has been clearly labelled and should not be used without permission. The content on this blog has also been copyrighted. 

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