Trend: The Make-Shift Work Space

Thursday, 19 February 2015

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Think outside the box. Or should I say think outside the papertray, and embrace the new 'unorganised' look to your workspace. Where papers and clutter are transformed into a beautiful mess. Clippers, compartments and peg-boards combine to transform those stray away papers & prints into a DIY feature wall. This moodboard-esqe look has transcended into the mainstream and become so popular, that the likes of HAY and other big names have created designer office essentials to inspire new realms of organised creativity. These golden clippers (and spoon) featured on the blog of Alejandrina Bessoberto prove how this trend has evolved from utilising a practical tool, to now being a decorative accessory of paper.

Let the office be your oyster.

Travel: Stockholm

Friday, 13 February 2015

Earlier this month my Scandinavian love affair officially began; it's no secret that I recently visited Stockholm (as I've literally not stopped banging on about it), and it really is as magical as I imagined it to be, especially in the snow. It was my first time in Stockholm and it's safe to say that it won't be the last. I've never found it so hard to narrow it down to just a handful of images; so many beautiful photos, so many beautiful memories.
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