Trend: The Make-Shift Work Space

Thursday, 19 February 2015

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Think outside the box. Or should I say think outside the papertray, and embrace the new 'unorganised' look to your workspace. Where papers and clutter are transformed into a beautiful mess. Clippers, compartments and peg-boards combine to transform those stray away papers & prints into a DIY feature wall. This moodboard-esqe look has transcended into the mainstream and become so popular, that the likes of HAY and other big names have created designer office essentials to inspire new realms of organised creativity. These golden clippers (and spoon) featured on the blog of Alejandrina Bessoberto prove how this trend has evolved from utilising a practical tool, to now being a decorative accessory of paper.

Let the office be your oyster.

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Ikea has an impressive range of low budget essentials that can be revamped into new practical decoration. The Enudden hanger clips are my favourite, and could easily be hung from a pegboard, suspended wire or even clipped to a board, utilising the curved head as a hook device. This trend allows you to combine items in order to create a whole space of improvisation. The perforated Muro board by Blomus is a blank magnetic canvas for you to douse with visuals and organisation, and this image taken from Ollie and Seb's Haus features the wall pocket organiser by Normann Copenhagen; the perfect solution for all of your little bits. And again the golden HAY clip makes an appearance, overall mirroring the perfect creative desk space.

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So we’ve seen the wire grid as the alternative pin board,  but it seems to have evolved into the wooden peg board. Not just a decorative feature for the office, but a style that has even transcended into other areas of the house, such as the kitchen. With the option to slot, hang or fix; the KreisDesign board uses wooden holes, pegs and shelving to utilise an interchangeable space for a make-shift storage unit. The Uten Silo replicar by Vitra solidifies this random 'pegboard' design, and with fixated storage pockets, this old favourite is a permanent and practical fixture but with the conceptual appeal of a pin board.

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Featured on the Raw Design Blog, hanging pictures with a clipper hanger rather than using a frame is a quick and minimalistic approach. The Bumerang clothes hanger at Ikea has a sleek design that would be a lovely decorative accent. Alternatively, the hanging brass wire designed by Jan Plecháč & Henry Wielgus, is like a washing line for your work, and acts as a starting point for you to embellish with all your bits and pieces. I also came across these shower curtain hooks at H&M Home and thought what a nifty item that can easily be transformed into something useful - a paperclip, binder or hanging device for your papers?

I love this trend because it means getting super creative, and opening your eyes to the bigger picture. I've never been tidy in my life, I need things out at all times so I can keep visualising, re-arranging and developing my ideas, and this trend has stemmed from just that. It's like creatively catering to your creativity, just brill!

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